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This layperson’s book review of Matthew’s Gospel is one of a series I have undertaken. It is presented as reflections on a short Gospel extract with ‘food for thought’ and a ‘prayer’. Michael Khan

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In writing this review as a retired Chartered Engineer, I have encouraged myself in the Christian faith and in making these studies available I hope to encourage others on the path of faith. It is neither an academic nor a theological treatise. … The Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) portray Jesus as God’s promised Messiah (or ‘Christ’ in the Greek language) who calls us to repentance, forgives our sins and will come again in his Father’s glory. The style of Matthew’s Gospel emphasises the kingly and priestly qualities of Jesus the promised Jewish Messiah in fulfilment of Jewish OT prophecy which aligns to its purpose of reaching a mainly Jewish audience, (whereas, John’s Gospel penned some 30 years later has a quite different emphasis developing the concept of the Jewish Messiah further to Jesus being the incarnated Word of God who is ‘God our Saviour’ in person). The purpose of all four Gospels was to encourage those who had responded to the Christian gospel to continue and to be strengthened in their faith. … In regions where the Christian Church was or is established, love has often grown cold especially where the rampant sin of the world around has been allowed to affect the Christian outlook. It is Christ-like love that drives the spread of the Gospel; anything less causes the church to retreat.

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